Misty Morning: Fusion Art

‘Misty Morning’ silhouettes winter trees against a morning fog, which glows in the background. The low angle of the eastern sun creates a luminosity in the mist and fog. Trees disappear into the ghostly white, fading into a background where the distinction between land and sky is left to the viewer’s eye.
Everyone’s taste in art is different. I have always been attracted to gray-scale or black and white art since I first viewed a collection of Japanese ink washes many years ago. Something about the way forms emerge from an indistinct background sparks my imagination.
I previously published a post in our blog entitled “Art and Empty Space.” The article discusses the use of negative space in art and its role in certain types of painting and drawing. The Minimalist Collection in our online gallery features a number of gray-scale compositions created using both digital art and traditional analog painting.
‘Misty Morning’ represents a fusion of photography and digital painting. I took the original photograph on a morning walk through the Oregon hills above the northern Willamette Valley. Several Douglas Firs are captured in the scene along with the skeletal branches of deciduous trees, barren of their leaves during the winter.
The original artwork measures 36 inches by 24 inches at 300 dpi. A detailed view from the image’s center is shown below: